A Musical Tribute for Dad's Garage’s 25th Anniversary

Matt’s new song “Couldn’t Have Done It Without You” was written for the Dad’s Garage 25th anniversary celebration.

Here’s what Matt had to say about it:

I've been incredibly lucky to call Dad’s Garage my artistic home since 2012. It continues to be, without a doubt, one of the most satisfying and inspiring jobs in the world to play music, do improv, and tell stories with some of Atlanta's brightest creative minds. A couple months ago, they asked me to write a song for the big 25th anniversary celebration. I eagerly dug in on the project, and soon a song started to take shape.

"Couldn't Have Done It Without You" is intended to be a special message of thanks from Dad's Garage to the Atlanta Community. But on a personal level, it quickly became much more than that. Tears snuck into the recording and producing process on more than one occasion - especially when I saw the final video that the DGTV team put together. So cheers to 25 years, Dad's Garage Family! And cheers to the communities who love us, support us, and push us to grow. We really couldn't have done it without you!